Dave & Terriers watching the sheep at Broughton Hall
May Bank Holiday Week-end and very busy
On Saturday we went to Skipton to meet Sara and Dave at the Waterways Festival and Street Market on the Canal Wharf. They were at their friends 'Coffee House Cafe' and we were able to sit outside in the sunshine with the Terriers
I had a look around and was pleased to meet Lesley from British Waterways who has been helpful with Sowerby Bridge in Bloom. Also pleased to see The Rochdale Canal Society Caravan there with Brian, wonderful Secretary and Organiser.
Also Inland Waterways Branches, West Riding and Lancaster, both with stands so bought some of the IWA Christmas Cards showing Sowerby Bridge.
Met and had a quick chat with the Chairman of Craven District Council who I had met at last years Yorkshire Day at Penistone.
Then we went to The Bull PH at Broughton, s few miles outside the town and sat in their garden area for sandwiches and bottle of SA Wine.
We were able to have the terriers there and they enjoyed the company of another dog and the House dog who liked going for thrown sticks and bringing them back to me.
It is a nice location by the grounds of Broughton Hall, home of the Tempest family. I camped there in 1947 ? with Swanland Scouts and recall it rained most of the time except the day we hiked to Lothersdale and back.
So we were able to walk the Terriers, the first field, public footpath, had sheep so we had to keep them on leads, but over the river bridge they went loose, we tried to get them into the water but they were not really keen but enjoyed a run around
I had some gardening jobs this weekend and with the help of John next door I was able to cut the top off the Blue-gum tree as it was geeting too tall and they grow up again quickly. Luckily we have had some rain after a very long hot spell, the garden needs it and it saves me watering
On the computer I have been editing the camcorder tape using Pinnacle software and making a ' movie ! video.
This is my 3rd attempt so I am improving - it was taken on April 23d at the Dinner of the Royal Society of St George, Halifax & District branch
Today Bank Holiday, we went for Lunch to The Old Bridge Inn Ripponden, I claim to have been its first bar customer in 1963 ? when it was re-opened, and we were about to live in the area.
We have entertained so many visitors from Overseas, USA and Japan to mention 2 lots. It claims to be one of the oldest Pubs in Yorkshire and is next to the original Packhorse Bridge and the route of the Roman Road.
As it was Ripponden's Gala Day we walked there with the terriers and met a lot of people we know, Ripponden in Bloom, Gardening Club where in bought some Lily of the Valley plants, Church, bought books and School, Roma bought a cake, and Councillors we are friends with.